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Catechists'pilgrimage to Kitovu Cathedral in the year of mercy

On 29th September 2016, Catechists from all Parishes of Masaka Diocese made a pilgrimage to Kitovu cathedral as it is with different groups in the Diocese to make their pilgrimage to the cathedral in the year of mercy. Catechists started the day by have a short retreat given by Msgr. Joseph Kasule beginning at 9:00am up to 12:00 Noon. Then, at 12: 05Pm Holy Mass started led by His Lordship Bishop John Baptist Kaggwa Bishop of Masaka Diocese.

In the same Mass the Christians of Masaka thanked God for Bishop Kaggwa made 21 years as a Bishop. Msgr. Serverus Jjumba ( Vicar General) in his Homily congratulated the Catechists upon their patron's feast day of St. Michael the Archangel. He asked the to be strong messengers of the Gospel that the Church should depend on as their patron the power of God. He also thanked them for the good work they do in make outreach in different sub-Parishes.

Msgr. Jjumba congratulated too His Lordship Bishop Kaggwa for being a good shepherd. He said that he has preached the Gospel in humility, devotedly and courageously. He sited that Bishop Kaggwa does not keep quiet when his flock is suppressed: politically or economically.

Bishop Kaggwa in his Speech asked all leaders at different levels of Church to hand well the follower to avoid leading them with an iron hand. He invited them to be merciful like the Heavenly Father.

This occasion was graced by Bishop Abraham Julius from India and was a classmate of Bishop kaggwa in Rome in 1966. Other participants were: All Priests of Maasaka, Superiors from Sisters' and Brothers' convents and heads of institutions , Chairperson and other dignitaries.

After Mass followed a luncheon , speeches and departure.

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